Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Michael Jackson, What He Meant to Us

I practically grew up listening to Michael Jackson's songs. Just me and my stereo player or occasionally a walkman. In fact, reading Mike's lyrics contributed to my English speaking ability. He was my favorite singer. He was my hero. He meant a lot to me during my journey to adulthood, shaping my generation. I was proud to be growing up when Michael Jackson was on top of every charts. But I could never mimic him. I found his coreography was too difficult to imitate. But at least I got the Moonwalk right. Come to think of it, it was one of Mike's greatest donation to the world of performing arts. Moonwalk.

Now the era was over. Mike's dead, gone too soon I would say. He died on the very brink of his extinction. Leaving behind all the past time glory, great stories, depression, and a mountain of debts. We can almost say he died a poor man, almost forgotten. This fact left me wondering. What did he actually do? What did he actually give us? I boldly say a lot. We just never paid any attention. We never actually heard him. We never listened. We just wanted him to be what we wanted him to be. A star. And act from whom we get our satisfactions. With all the messages he sent to us, we never catched a drift. He taught us many. If only we listened more diligently, we all can be a better person. We all can make this world, as he sang, a better place. Michael Jackson's songbook is an instruction manual to fix this God forsaken world. At least that's my opinion.

But what we did to him? We put him on a throne, dubbed him the King. We came from all over the world to see him dance and sing his heart out. But we never listened to him. We chased him around he could hardly breathe. We never gave him enough space to walk as an ordinary pedestrian. We never gave him his life. Only the life we wanted him to live. Well, we made him rich on the process. But that came naturally. He started to do things, out of the ordinary, creating his own life. Things we call eccentric, even out of this world. Fighting age, he treated himself to a various treatments, medicals, and unusual habits. So what? It's his own money. A hard earned money. But some of us started to call him a freak. Maybe some people get jealous, and started to make some accusations. Some of us helped bringing the King down. We dethroned him. Put him in the darkest age of his life and eventually led him to his death. I say shame on us.

And when he died, all the world shed it's tears. Like an old saying, we never trully appreciate what we have until it's finally lost. And now we lost him. We tried to give him back all the glory he should had had when he was alive and healthy. We gave him a mega ceremony. A ceremony he could only attend in a golden coffin. One glory too late.

But some of us still believed in him. He was just a man who wanted to be ordinary, but special. He just wanted to be heard. Don't worry, Mike. You left us a legacy. Now it's up to us to heal the world and make it a better place. We can still do it with you in our hearts. So long Mike. Have your peace...

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Cerita Kepada Hatimu

aku bercerita
katamu ceritaku berbicara dengan hatimu
membuatnya nyaman
dan membuatmu lelap
walau kau tertidur
aku terus bercerita
kepada hatimu
karena kuyakin hatimu belum tertidur
hatimu terus mendengar
betapa aku mencintaimu
dan hanya mencintaimu
aku berbagi denganmu
apa yang tak ingin kubagi
dengan orang selainmu
aku memberi
apa yang tak ingin kuberi
kepada orang selainmu
dan aku terus bercerita
kepada hatimu
agar esok saat kau terjaga
hatimu akan bercerita kepadamu
apa yang telah kuceritakan kepada hatimu
bahwa aku sangat mencintaimu
dan hanya mencintaimu
biar hatimu bercerita kepadamu
terus bercerita
sampai akhirnya kau percaya
apa yang hatimu katakan kepadamu
bahwa aku mencintaimu
hanya mencintaimu...
selamat tidur cintaku
mimpi indah.....


Mungkin ada kalanya
Kau ada di depan mata
Dan aku hanya berlalu
Tapi kini aku tak bisa hidup tanpamu
Bila cinta ibarat angin
Dia berembus meliuk liku
Menyelinap menembus belulang
Tapi tak seperti angin
Sekali waktu dia diam menyarang
Datang tak diundang
Bergayut tak mau pulang
Tajam menghujam hati
Berurat mencengkeram
Sang empunya hati tak berdaya
Menyerah kalah
Bagai tunduk kepada penguasa yang kejam..
Tapi cinta taklah kejam
Dia menerangi ruang yang kelam
Lunakkan keras yang getas
Cairkan beku yang kaku
Lembut membuai
Setegar apapun nyali
Kan lunglai saat ditinggal kekasih..

Istana Kita

Aku bahagia sekali
Waktu kau melihat cermin itu
Yang ingin kau letakkan dalam kamarmu
Waktu kau memandang lampu-lampu
Yang ingin kau pasang di ruang tamu
Aku ingin kau ada dalam istanaku
Walau tak lebih dari sebuah gubuk
Namun kubangun sepenuh hati
Untuk menaungimu nanti
Tak terbayang jika kau tak pernah memasukinya
Aku tak menginginkannya
Aku yak ingin tinggal di mana kau tak ada
Walaupun itu sebuah istana
Dengan atap emas dan dinding permata
Aku ingin permaisuriku
Bahagia disampingku
Dalam rumah ini
Yang kubangun sepenuh hati


Bagaimana mungkin
Aku tersesat di dalammu
Dan tak mencari jalan keluar?
Apa yang ada di dirimu
Menarik tanganku
Hentikan langkahku
Dan aku pun terdiam dalam nyaman
Terduduk tak mau berdiri
Terbaring tak mau pergi
Tersesat tak mau kembali
Aku sudah kembali
Memang rumahku di sini
Dalam hatimu dalam dadamu...


Kamulah sayang
Kamulah kasih
Kamulah cinta...

Luka 2

Aku memandang hidupku
Saat aku memandangmu
Itu darahku yang menetes
Jika tubuhmu terluka
Dadaku yang menahan sesak
Bila airmatamu menggelegak
Waktu tawamu membahana
Jiwaku melayang dalam bahagia
Hatiku panas membara
Seiring dendam yang kau rasa
Dan aku akan mereda dalam damai
Di akhir nanti ragaku kau buai


Saat mulutmu terkunci
Jiwaku terkurung
Menghantam dinding
Dibalut sepi

Saat wajahmu berpaling
Aku terbuang
Terkapar lemah
Mencium tanah

Saat kau beranjak
Aku tersesat
Kehilangan arah
Sendiri melangkah

Lukamu adalah perihku
Sakitmu deritaku
Senyummu bahagiaku
Hidupmu jiwaku...